Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Morning Activity

Using this photo apllications InstaMag is very useful and i liked it soo much (it's support both with android and iPhone). It is more fun and your photos become good looking, and they've many choices of frame. All you hv to do is just  select your photos and then switch the frame which you like more. And tadaaa.........this photos was taken yesterday, it was our sunday morning activity with the kiddos before we've got to the groceries and since Sunday is a no-mall day so we went out for some fresh air. The kids were so fun by doing some outdoor activity, we took kk Dinara's "skuter" and brought nothing for Farabi so that he could running around and the point is it was costless.......... hahahaha.
This park is located not far away from our home, it is belonged to Jaya Property at Discovery Cluster, Sektor 9 Bintaro Jaya. We're like this park more than another park at Kebayoran Cluster or Menteng Bintaro Park because it is more quite and people rarely using it for their sport activity such as jogging or biking, or just doing nothing with their children just like we did. 

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