This is one of my favourite recipe, coz it's pretty simple and of course soo yummy, besides Ayah and Dinara really liked it. So I usually make it once a week and made stock for the sauce to refrigerate, in case we have nothing to eat on breakfast. This originally recipes i've got from googling, but somehow i can't find the original source. So i would re-write breakdown of the ingredients and also the directions, here they are :

500 gr minced meat
1 pack mushroom (optional)
1 pc onion and garlic
2/3 bottle tomato sauce or homemade tomato sauce (i prefer the last one)
some pepper, salt, oregano, bay leaves
fresh milk ( to reduce the sour flavour of tomato sauce)
mineral water
butter for cooking
Directions :
Stir fry minced onion and garlic, then add the minced meat. Just cook until the colour of the meat fades, add the mushroom. Pour the mineral water and combine with fresh milk, tomato sauce and the seasonings. Keep cooking until it's little bit coagulate.
For the spaghetti, you just can boiling it with a little bit butter add in the water.
In case you made big portion of sauce for stock, just keep it in container tightly closed in refrigerator.
I really love to made this spaghetti bolognese because both of my soulmates really like it, we just can make it both for dinner or breakfast. Dinara the sauce...yayy !!

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