Monday, January 15, 2018

My Bird-day (Latepost)

This is absolutely a latepost since my birthday was on 2nd January.
Alhamdulillah wa syukurilah Allah still give me a chance to enjoy the the pleasure for being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, an employees. May Allah's blessings always be with me, aamiinn. 

Let me tell you a story, this time my hubby gave me a bit surprises, he gave a "smart watch" as a gift, I'm a little bit surprised that he prepare gift that perfectly, I didn't expect at all. Thank you hubby, thank you kiddos :*

My office-mates also gave a birthday cake surprises a few days later along with my friend Ima whose birthday just several days after my birthday, thank you dear mates :))

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