Thursday, August 31, 2017

Celotehan Farabi

Kadang-kadang punya anak bujang semanis Farabi tuh bikin gemess dan jadi senyum-senyum sendiri kalo inget kelakuannya. Kayak tadi malem tiba-tiba dia nyamperin dan langsung meluk sambil bilang "Bundaa, Abi seneng banget dehh hari ini, soalnya tadi udah digorengin pempek sama Bunda terus juga diajak belajar nulis sama baca supaya Abi pinter".

So sweet banget kan, dia tiba-tiba bilang gitu. Ehhh tapi kalo dia lagi sebel juga dia ngomong sih, "Abi tak senang hati hari ini soalnya Bunda Gak kasih nonton Morphle di Youtube!!!".... hahaha.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Pahawang Island Trip: Scenic view along the way

Last week trip to Pahawang Islands, Pesawaran, Lampung with my officemates was unexpected trip. We used to go to Mutun Beach or got across to Tangkil Beach which located at Lampung Bay, it just about 25 kilometres away from Bandar Lampung City. We've got to take some trip after the meeting with the consultants and representative from head office done the night before, so we have free one day before get back to Jakarta, but unfortunately our boss can't joined because he had to got back to Jakarta in the next morning.

To be honest i have a little bit of pesimistic feeling about Lampung's Tourims, even though there's a lot of picturesque beaches, beautiful waterfall, and magnificent mountains, but it wasn't maintaned well yet. Almost all the tourist attractions in Lampung managed by some groups community or by private bussiness, but it seems not totally developed yet, there's so many garbage at the beach, some facilities doesn't support tourists needs such as toilets, rooms rinse, or adequate restaurants. But however Bandar Lampung and surroundings still my favourites destination since i was stay there for about seven years.

Back to the trip to Pahawang Island, we catched the beach at 10.00 am, when we met the shipowner whose ship lean back at The Mutun Beach, we ask to get across to Tangkil Island which loacted near the beach and charged 20.000 IDR /person/roundtrip, quite cheap i thought. And then they offered to cross over to Pahawang Island which need about one hour during sailing. It cost 800.000 IDR/boat which accomodate until 12 persons, and they will bring us back to Mutun Beach at noon since our flight to Jakarta at 6.00 pm and it needs more than one and half hour trip to the airport. The local guuides also offered for rent snorkeling accessories 50.000 IDR/person.

Pahawang Island was totally awesome, we were treated with beautiful scenery along the trip, blue sky, turquoise sea, white sands, and of course the smells of sea that i like the most. For sure trip to the beaches never dissapoints me at all, this Pahawang Island trip one of them.

Our first expectations trip to Pahawang Islands from Mutun Beach was about one hour just like what the local guide said, but it took almost two hours in reality, by using twin-engine boat. Since it was far away to get back to Mutun Beach at noon, so i decided to got back from Pahawang Islands to Ketapang Harbour which is located closer than Mutun Beach, it was only took one hour. The car that we rent before, i asked to pick us up at Ketapang Beach to get back to the airport, notes that it was charged 350.000 IDR for car rent exclude fuels and tips.

Here are some pictures from our Pahawang Trip, enjoy.................xoxo.

Won't get back from here :D

Picturesque scenery

Mandatory photos

Ready to flag off....yeaayy

Beaches at Pahawang Besar Island

Welcome to Pahawang Besar Island

Snorkeling point

Back to Ketapang Harbour

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Dinara's 8th Birthday (lateposting)

Happy 8th Birthday kk Dinara.... xoxo
It's Dinara's 8th birthday, alhamdulillaah.........semoga sehat-sehat terus, banyak berkah, tambah sholehah, tambah pinter, banyak-banyak membawa manfaat dan kebahagiaan untukmu dan untuk orang-orang disekelilingmu yaa nak..........xoxo

Farabi's 5th Birthday

2 Agustus 2017

Alhamdulillah hari ini Farabi udah sah bukan balita lagi, udah 5 tahun sekarang :*
Sejak dua bulan terakhir Bunda dan Ayah kepikiran pengen ngerayain ultah Abby di sekolah bareng temen-temennya karena waktu TK A dulu blm sempet dirayain. Nah disamping itu juga karena kaka Dinara yang semangat banget pengen adeknya ultah dirayain supaya dapet banyak kado kayak dulu waktu dia ultah ke-5. 

Beberapa persiapan udah kami rancang jauh-jauh hari seperti tema, goodie bag, undangan, kue, souvenir dll. Yang mana semuanya baru sempet dieksekusi di saat-saat terakhir hahaha. Malah ada beberapa item yang harusnya disiapkan sebelumnya malah ga sempet dibikin seperti thank you card, backdrop dan topi ultah. Sebenarnya sih agak gemes juga sama diri sendiri karena sebelumnya ga kepikiran buat order tapi yasudahlah mau gimana lagi. 

Alhamdulillah semua lumayan lancar walaupun pada hari yang sama ternyata temen-temen Abby di dua kelas paralel yang lain juga ada yang berulang tahun, jadi guru-guru saling berkoordinasi untuk setting waktunya karena Abby juga mengundang beberapa temen-temnnya di kelas lain yang dulu waktu TK A sempet sekelas.

Dengan dipandu Bu Guru Nining dan Bu Mel acara yang sederhana namun seru bikin anak-anak sumringah. Apalagi Bu Nining pandai melakukan beberapa trik sulap yang bikin anak-anak ketagihan. Terimakasih yaa Bu Guru.

Berikut ini catatan printilan ultah ke-5 Farabi dengan tema yang akhirnya dipilih "Captain America".

Kue ultah:
Goodie bag:

My Birthday Boy

The goodies

Mug souvenir

Kue ultah dengan Tema Captain America

Japan (Family) Trip 2025 (3rd Destination : Hokkaido)

And the highlights of Japan Trip kali ini tentu saja Hokkaido, alhamdulillah akhirnya kesampaian jugaa, udah kabita pengen banget ke Hokkaid...