Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Welcome January 2015

Heii, it's my month. My birthday turned out on January 2nd, so i'm 31st years old now. Alhamdulillah Allah gives me a lot of blessings : parents, hubby, children, family, my boss, friends, they were amazing peoples i've ever seen.

And my beloved niece gave me surprised by brought birthday cake when we asked her for joining a family dinner at Holycow! Steak House Bintaro, hubby and my daughter also bought another birthday cake, yaeeayy who can't refuse yummy cheese cakes, forget all about fats hahahaha. Hubby bought a new bag as my birthday gift which was bought several days before my birthday, but never mind i still considered it as a gift from him.

This month also brings new step in my life, i graduated from the selection program for magister degree at my office as a new student at Intitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) at Magister Program Water and Sanitation Infrastructure, alhamdulillah. Finally the chance has come, bismillah i wish i could pass the next two years with a bright result...amiin.

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