Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Family Trip to Taman Bunga Nusantara

Last month, early in October we went to Taman Bunga Nusantara, Cipanas on our short family trip because we departed in the morning and arrived home at night.Honestly it was my hubby's plan to celebrated our second wedding anniversary........yayy !!!
It was a nice trip at all except the fact that our car got strike when we've got back and of course hubby (and me) have to pushed the car (several times) to turned on the machine.

Ok let's get back on the family trip topic about Taman Bunga Nusantara. It is located at Desa Kawung-luwuk Kecamatan Sukaresmi Cipanas-Cianjur, with total area about 35 Ha. There were so many collections of flowers from all around the world. Besides a lot of facilities than could be enjoyed by all family members such as : water park, roses park, labirynth, tower view, balinese and japanese park, musical fountain, rounding train, and so many more. But unfortunately it was a little bit rainy when we've got there but it's okay coz we could took a rest for little while. After the wheather got bright we started the 'adventure', but there's a little bit problem coz we didn't bring any stroller so it was Ayah's job to pickaback Dinara everywhere :) coz at that time she couldn't walk yet by herself.
It was a pleasure place for recreation at all especially for urban people whose they time spent at work and return travel to office and also couldn't have enough quality time with family and the kids. We can feel the fresh air to breathe as much as we can and also enjoyed the beautiful flowers everywhere. For wider view we can go up to the tower view so that we can also see the panorama of mountain and the whole park. Ayah, Dinara, and me was so fun to got there and we'll get back another time we could.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quick snacks inspired by Farah Quinn

Ceritanya Sabtu pagi pas nonton Ala Chef-nya Farah Quinn si wong kito galo bikin resep garlic bread which is my fave plus sup krim ayam. Duhh langsung kebayang enaknya garlic bread-nya Pizza Hut. Besoknya sekalian grocery shopping bedua Dinara lsg deh inget beli roti, tapi belinya roti tawar ajah ga pake roti bagel yg keras itu (ehh apalah namanya). Resep garlic bread-nya tnyt mudah aja kok.

Ingredients :
roti tawar kupas kulit (yg aq pake)
bawang putih cincang halus
sedikit bawang bombang cincang (optional bila suka)
peterseli (aq pake-nya seledri ajah) cincang halus
sedikit garam
keju cheddar parut (optional)

Directions :
Campur semua bahan-bahan : margarin, bawang cincang, seledri, garam, merica. Kemudian oleskan pada roti, lalu panggang kurleb 10-15 menit.
Bbrp saat sblm diangkat taburi keju cheddar parut, aq pake yg quick melt jd melting-nya cantik :)
Tadaaa hasilnya ---------> not bad but not really good, knp yahh ga seenak yg di Pizza Hut ituu :(
Tapi yaa lmynlah buat ganjel perut di mlm hari, maka dari itu maap klo poto-nyah rada-rada burem...hehe

Her recent daily activities

Pengen submit lagi ahh bbrp foto tingkah laku Dinara sehari-hari yg udah numpuk jd bbrp Gigabyte di file komputer, smpe bingung mo upload yg mana coz buanyak bgt........hihi.
Nihh bbrp diantaranya :

Biar anak perempuan blh donk main mobil2an, tapi teuteup truk-nya pinky :)

Duhh tampangnya Dinara kok berantakan bgt yah......hehe.
Lg ngemil oreo nihh plus 'nyum' susu uht dingin.....ahh sedaap :)

Dinara sukaa bgt mam pisang........nyam nyaam, eh dia udah bs mkn sendiri lohh.

''Lagi siap-siap nih pemanasan mo jln2 sore brng ibu n maen ma tmn2 kecil-ku''

'' Ibu pliss jgn bangun-in aku dulu yahh msh ngantuuk bgt nih''
Pdhl posisi tdr semula ada ditengah kasur lohh :p

Lagi santai nonton upin ipin, rutinitas-abis-maghrib-nya Dinara. Klo udah begini mah ga mau diganggu....hehe

Nahh klo yg ini selain jd rutinitas Dinara yg suka bongkar2 ga jelas nyariin apaan, jg jd rutinitas ibu yg hobi rapih-rapih :)

Kayaknyah cukup sekian dan terima kasih dulu dehh mata dah ngantukk bgt nihh, tapi msh tetep semangat untuk jd mamarazi tingkah laku Dinara setiap hari...........caiyoooo :))

She's always be my best friend

Duhh.....kok prasaan tiba2 jd mewek gni yahh, liat Dinara lg bobo kok brasa lsg haru ya tnyt dah pnya anak gadis yg usianya bbrp hr yll tepat 16bln, mn mlm Hari Raya Idul Adha Ayah msh di Cirebon lg (ga tll ada hubungannya sih). Tapi beneran lohh apalagi stlh Dinara lancar berjalan dan mulai agak jelas mengucapkan bbrp kata bahkan belakangan kosakata-nya bertambah pesat, ibu tambah berasa hepii tiap hari. Rasanya ga smp kyk tmn2 laen yg SAHM klo lg update status di facebook sering merasa bosen krn 'cuma dirumah', apalagi si Ayah sering bgt kluar kota. Jadi berasaaa bgt klo kita bedua tuhh kyk baby and mommy koala soalnya Dinara nempel teruss sm ibu....hihihi. Klo pas lg becandaan matanya Dinara smp 'ilang' kyk foto disamping ini nihh, ihh tmbh gemess.

Oia mumpung masih inget ibu mau nge-review bbrp vocabulary Dinara per-16bln ini ahh :
- bahasa sehari-hari :
datuh (jatuh), tempa (tumpah), nyum (minum), am (mam), naik, mau (fasih), mam apa, ai (air), yayi (bayi)
- pengenalan nama :
ayah (fasih bgt), caca (anak tetangga), ajis (anak tetangga)
-binatang :
capi (sapi) berikut suaranya 'moo', cica (cicak), suara kambing 'embe', selain itu smua hewan dia sebut 'enta'
-buah :
ape (apel)
-warna :
itam (hitam)

Dan udah bs dimintai tolong lohh, kyk misal : tlg ambilin pulpen, tisu, atau apapun benda2 yg sdh ia kenal, jg bs dsuruh rapiin mainan, dan nge-lap air yg ia tumpah-in :)
Ahh Dinara skg udah bnr2 jd temen ibu, kita best friend forever yaa nak, kecuali klo pas lg makannya ga pinter (-_-'!)

Just My Random Thoughts

Lagi on going drakor marathon series Hi Bye, Mama! Kok nonton tiap episodenya selalu mewek yaa, sedihnya tuh kok kayak beda aja gitu tau-tau...