Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cerita tadi pagi

Jadi ceritanya td pagi tuh qt smua bangun kesiangan, si Ayah udh tau mo brkt pagi k kntr krn lsg mo kluar kota eh malah ikut2an kesiangan jg, bangun2 tnyt udh hmpr jam 6........... doohh.
Yasud pasti deh tuh riweuh pagi2, bgtu bgn ibu lsg masak aer bwt mandi anak2 trs masak bubur bwt adek, dan krn ga smpt masak dan Ayah jg udh ga bkal smpt sarapan jd cm bkin minum aja bwt si Ayah. Pas Farabi bangun lsg ibu siapin bwt mandi, udh bersih sabunan trs bilas Farabi Ibu tinggal berendem di bak bebek pemberian Wak Ujuk. Abis itu ibu bkin bubur oatmeal (yg akan dicampur alpukat dan susu) smbl ngeliatin dd mainan di bak mandi. Trs si kk yg udh bangun dan lagi males2an ntn tv, begitu tau adeknya mandi si bak bebek lsg nyeletuk "ibu aq mau mandi brng adek yaa", lsg ibu jwb "ohh yaa lsg buka baju trs taro di keranjang bj kotor yaa", kok tumben yaa pikir ibu, anak ini lsg inisiatif sndr tp yasud bgs dehh :D
Smbil beresin kamar, dan ngecek bubur di panci yg udh mau mateng trs melongok ke jendela yg nembus ke tempat Farabi berendem ehh 'nemu' si kk tnyt ikutan berendem di bak yg sama dg  adek.
Ya ampuunn kakaakk rusuhh banget siihh udh tau bak mandinya kecil ttp aja maksa

Monday, May 20, 2013

'Family Gathering" at Nextage Tea Garden Resort, Subang, Jawa Barat

Last week we had so much fun, when we took a trip to West Java. Our family vacation included my office-mates Egis and Retno. We've planned for this trip from the months before, after i bought voucher from LivingSocial.com When i saw the advertisement, suddenly i thought that this place gonne be so great for holiday, and then i read the reviews from TripAdvisor.com  suprisingly i found many reviews told that this place were so intersing, most of them feel satisfied. Honestly, i feel doubt coz several times get disappointed from LivingSocial.com offering. But this time i just thought that i have to buy, with a little bit speculated. After got Ayah's approval, and then the voucher sent to me.....ihhiiyy. Let's have so vacation.
I've booked the room from 2 weeks before as their suggestion, so when we went on Saturday, 18th May, 2013 we already got the very first room. We went from home at 7am, and then pick up both Egis & Retno at our office, which became the middle place before entering toll road towards Subang. Alhamdulillah it was a bright shinny day, and the kids was so calm, but unfortunately after 3 and a half hours riding kk Dinara got carsick two times, maybe because the air in the cabin and the road situation also traffic jam made her feel so dizzy, poor Dinara :(
Honestly i feel a little bit upset, coz i can't help her while Farabi sleeping in my arms. Thanks God Egis and Retno help to clean up her cloth and car seat. Suddenly Ayah found gas station, and we went to the toilet to clean up everything. Somehow i feel that this trip was too far, and we've just get into the car too long so that the kids feel so bored. This is just out of my mind, coz we've never got to this place before. Our trip just rely on the map and navigation from smartphone, and also sign board, and got called the resort's recepcionist to make sure that our way was right. Finally we've got there at 12.30pm, after got some lunch at Purwakarta.
Nextage Tea Garden Resort located at Dusun Cigeurenug Desa Cicadas Kec Sagala Herang, Kab Subang Jawa Barat, this is kinda luxury and comfort, highland villa with modern minimalist design cottage. The cottages equipped with 2 rooms and 1 bathroom, stone fire place, kitchen, cooking tools and utilities, 'tatami' space, roof deck. Outdoor facilities such as swimming pool and jacuzzi for free, tennis court, tea walk, and some kiddy activities such as ceramics and batik studio, etc. And the best thing is the tea garden view and paddy fields in front of your room.
Unfortunately, we've just feel so disappointed with the menus. For dinner we ordered from the hotel some variant menu for fourth of us. I ordered oxtail soup, while hubby ordered cap cay with rice, Egis ordered mie kocok, and Retno ordered some firedrice. We thought that with that expensive cost for average @50rb IDR exclude PPN, they should have great taste. But the meals have no taste at all, but we have no choice if we wannna go out we have to go so far from the resorts.
But overall we just soo happy with the facilities and resorts's view. So relax and fun.
Here are the photos :)

Japan (Family) Trip 2025 (3rd Destination : Hokkaido)

And the highlights of Japan Trip kali ini tentu saja Hokkaido, alhamdulillah akhirnya kesampaian jugaa, udah kabita pengen banget ke Hokkaid...