Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dinara's 1st day to school

Yeaayy, the day has come. Her 1st day to school.
Both of us (Ibu and kk Dinara) were so excited about this, she's even more excited than me coz she already asked us about this from several month ago. Finally the chosen school is Playgroup LPPQ Al Hidayah which is nearby to our house. The school is basically an Islamic school, so we thought it's a great choice to introduce her to the way of Islam as our religion from early, coz  both of us (Ayah&Ibu) agreed that our children should have basic learnings about religion besides general lessons. She was a great student in her 1st day to school, no crying, no drama at all.........yeayyy i'm a proud mommy. She's such an independent lil girl, she was keep lookin' at the teacher whether the teacher gave an instrcution to let them got to the class (first of all the students have to line up at the school yard for chanted slogans of school and praying as an Islamic way), then they have to put their own shoes at shoes rack neatly, so they could get to the class regularly. But when I helped her to put her shoes not in the shoes rack coz it's already full of another students shoes, she was yelled to warned me " Ibu why you put my shoes not at the shoes rack, the teacher told us to put our shoes at the shoe rack neatly", so that suddenly i appologize to her and explain if the shoes rack already full of another students shoes so there's no more space to put Dinara's shoe at shoes rack. OMG she's soo awesome, both of her EQ and IQ were so brilliant. At her 1st day she's been a good student, she understood what the teacher said and could get an interactivea activity with the other student, and she's already have many friends soon. Ohh dear, we loove u soo much :*

Monday, July 9, 2012

Menjelang hari 'H'

Tinggal beberapa minggu lagi nihh menjelang due date si dede awal Agustus 2012, duhh Ibu kok jd deg2an yaa, merasa blm siap-siap bwt keperluan si dede (walaupun udh lmyn bolak balik baby shop bwt nyicil......hehe). Blm pnh sama sekali jg ngikut kelas senam hamil, emg sihh pas kontrol 2 mggu lalu, dr. Muchlis blg gak perlu2 amat secara udh anak kedua, ktnya ''ibu kan udh senior", mngkin mksdnya udh pernah pny pnegelaman kali yaa....hihihi. Tapi biar gmn juga ibu ttp merasa perlu walaupun cm satu kali kedatangan, krn ptg bgt bwt me-refresh ingatan ttg bagaimana teknik pernapasan yg benar, soalnya wkt hamil si kk dulu kan ibu ikut senam hamil pilates yg di RSIA Tambak, Menteng, berasa bgt manfaatnya cara bernapas yg benar wkt persalinan. Pengennya sih ikut kelas itu lg, tp RSIA Tambak jauhh bgt mn kebayang mo ngajak kk Dinara, agak2 ribet gmna gitu tkt dianya bosen selama nungguin Ibu, tp klo ditinggal gak tega secara si kk Dinara ini sll nemepel kami berdua kecuali saat office hours. Sebetulnya di RSIA Buah Hati jg ada sih, setiap hari Sabtu dan bs lsg dtg aja gak perlu daftar dulu, rencana sih udh dr lama pgn ngikut tp kok adaa aja halangannya yaa, lbh sering krn males sihh :p
Naah back to the topic ttg segala perlengakapan si dede, Ibu udh jatuh cinta bgt sm Toko Mae Bebe yg berada di depan Kampus STAN Bintaro, Bintaro Sektor 5 ini krn tokonya kompliit, segala perlengkapan penting dan gak penting ada disini....haha. Masalah harga gak beda jauh dr toko2 yg katanya murah2 di ITC Kuningan/Mal Ambassador bahkan sebagian malah lbh murah juga klo dibandingkan onlineshop, yeaaayyy me so happy !!
Berikut sebagian perlengkapan yg sdh Ibu beli, untuk perlengkapan baby basic macam, bedong, baju2 bayi, popok, dll Ibu gak beli lg krn pny kk msh bgs2.
1. Botol kaca UC (beli di Breastfeeding Fair, Gran Indonesia) 20pcs : @Rp 2000
2. Botol Kaca tutup karet 20pcs : @Rp 2000
3. Cooler bag + ice gel uk sedang merk botol kaca (beli di Breastfeeding Fair, Gran Indonesia) : Rp  65.000
4. Cloth book Carters (beli di Breastfeeding Fair, Gran Indonesia) : Rp 35.000
5. Neck ring Pooh (beli di Breastfeeding Fair, Gran Indonesia) : Rp 35.000
6. Babybather Carters : Rp 107.000
7. Botol kaca Baby Pax isi 3 : Rp 45.500
8. Topi bayi : Rp 15.000
8. Celana tutup kaki merk Nova : @Rp 14.000
9. Sarung kaki+tangan isi 2set : Rp 6700
10. Kaos kaki gbr giraffe : Rp 5500
11.Kaos kaki boneka : Rp 12.500
12.Bantal peyang : Rp 32.500
13. Bantal serat : Rp 40.500
14. Perlak plastik semi karet : Rp 35.700
15. Multifungsi sterilizer 5in1 : Rp 204.500
16. Bottle keeper plastik bulat : Rp 69.000
17. Singing toys Mothercare : Rp 53.000
18. Digital thermo Little Giant : Rp 38.500
19.Bra menyusui : @Rp 14.000
20. Set jumper+sepatu : Rp 64.000
21. Set 3pcs jumper pendek+slaber Disney : Rp 69.000
22. Legging tnp tutup NB : Rp 27.000
23. Clodi Cluebebe : @Rp 75.000
24. Clodi Minikinizz : @Rp 84.000
25. Fleece/liner Enphilia : @Rp 5.000
26. Prefold Cilipopo : Rp 19.000
27.Clodi Pempem :@Rp 67.500
28. Washable breastpads isi 6 : Rp 35.000
29. Sapu tangan handuk Gerber isi 8 : Rp 15.000
30. Set jumper panjang 6pcs : Rp 105.500
31. Babyoil Johnsons : Rp 17.000
32. Babybath 2in1 Johnsons : Rp 21.000
33. Minyak Telon KOnicare : Rp 16.000
34. Wet tissue Cussons NB : Rp 18.000

Tapi ada bbrp nihh yg belum sempet kebeli spt Breastpump, krn sblmnya ibu msh bingung cari2 merk yg cocok sesuai testimoni ibu2 di milis/forum, dan akhirnya dpt pencerahan utk melirik BP Unimom manual, krn produk Korea ini direkomendasikan oleh bbrp web dan harganya pun lmyn murah. Tp sygnya di Mae Bebe Shop lg abis stock, Ibu udh order sih minta disisain 1 tp msh blm dpt smp skg. Juga kyknya perlu beli gurita dede krn Ibu lp naro dimana pny si kk dulu, sm satu lagi Ibu kyknya perlu korset dehh walaupun udh pny 3 gurita dewasa tp ttp berasa lbh nyamapn pk korset. Disamping itu Ibu jg udh nyetok disposable cloth diaper utk newborn wkt promo turun harga di Giant kmrn, jg udh beli pembalut maternity yg 41cm. Hhhmm apaa lg yaa yg kurang ????!
Oiaa utk belanja clodi Ibu dpt di OLS Namiku Lucu : recommended dehh krn ngirimnya cepett bgt lohh, kmrn wkt beli TT siang jam 11an eehh jam 5 sore di hari yg sama udh nyampe (Wilayah Jakarta). Yg pny jg ramah dan asikk trus Ibu dksh bonus detergen khusus bwt cuci clodi, lumayaaann *emak-emak demen gratisan :D

Japan (Family) Trip 2025 (3rd Destination : Hokkaido)

And the highlights of Japan Trip kali ini tentu saja Hokkaido, alhamdulillah akhirnya kesampaian jugaa, udah kabita pengen banget ke Hokkaid...